Hot-air balloons are rightly considered to be the safest small-scale aircraft. To fly a balloon, passengers do not need any special technical knowledge or special physical training and equipment. You just smoothly fly over the fields, clouds, ponds, tree crowns at the height of the bird's flight and enjoy natural beauty of the surroundings.
Flights are held at any time of the year, during the daytime.
Obligatory meteorological conditions: absence of heavy rainfall or thunderstorms, wind speed does not exceed 5 meters per second, horizontal visibility up to 1 km.
The flight duration is 1-1,5 hours.
The full program will take 4-5 hours and includes the collection of passengers, departure to the flight area, preparation for the flight, the flight itself, return to the picking site.
The direction of the flight is in the direction of the wind.
The launch site is selected with the calculation of the flight in the wind above the desired area and the presence of landing areas in this direction.
The total weight of passengers is not more than 200 kg (two adults).
Regular flights are carried out at an altitude of 1000 - 1500 m, in this case no special insulated clothing is required.
Safety of flight is guaranteed by certified pilots of international qualification.
Aerostat has an airworthiness certificate issued by the Federal Air Transport Agency under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation