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Main page / Museums and sightseeing in Veliky Novgorod
Museums and sightseeing in Veliky Novgorod


Veliky Novgorod is not accidently called a city-museum of Old Russia - no other place has preserved that number of great monuments of architecture and monumental painting.

Here it is hard and sometimes impossible to define where the city ends the musium begins. About 50 valuable monuments became a part of a modern city living structure. And the history of these churches, monasteries, fortifications is full of both amazing and tradgic pages.

Online City Guide of Veliky Novgorod: maps, tourist routs, practical information.

Functioning cathedrals and churches of Veliky Novgorod

UNESCO World Heritage sites in Veliky Novgorod

Bring your friends and relatieves tasty and useful souvenirs from Veliky Novgorod: ginger bread, honey, kvas (bread drink)!

The Novgorod Kremlin
The heart of Veliky Novgorod has always been the Kremlin, or Detinets, as they called it in old times.  It was founded by Prince Vladimir in the 11th century.
Stronghold Fortifications
During the 11th – 12th centuries the Kremlin expanded and reached today’s size. Since that time we have giant ramparts, on which at the end of 15th century were built stone walls and towers of Italian standard.
Monument to the Millennium of the Russian Statehood
It was decided to erect the monument in Novgorod, thus recognizing its key role in establishing the Russian state.
Bell Tower of St. Sophia Cathedral
At the foot of the 15th century tower there are five ancient monumental bells and the belfry itself houses bells of modern casting.
The Battle Course of the Kremlin

Follow the path of the defenders of Novgorod! Enjoy a magnificent view of the Yaroslav's Court, the river Volkhov and the belfry of the St. George Monastery.

Kokui Tower

The tallest Kremlin tower was built in the 17th century. From its top opens a great view on Novgorod lands.

Yaroslav's Court. The Former Marketplace
This is an ensemble of valuable 12th – 17th century architectural monuments located on the right bank of the Volkhov River, right opposite the Kremlin.
Hanseatic Fountain
On the dark granite there are 16 emblems of Hanseatic States mosaicing a colored panel. 
White (Alekseevskaya) Tower
The White Tower is the only survived stone tower of the city external defensive belt of the late 16th - 17th cc.
The Victory Monument
Erected on the Catherine’s hill in remembrance of the victory of the Soviet Union over the fascist invaders.
City of Military Glory Stele
The Stele was opened just before the 65th anniversary of the Victory Day. It represents a granite ten-meter column and four mini steles.
Musical Statue of S. Rachmaninoff
S. Rachmaninoff was one of the greatest musicians of the 19th – 20th cc., whose life was closely connected with the land of Novgorod.
Rurikovo Gorodische (Rurik's Fort)
As a fortified settlement of the Viking Age it has been located at the source of the Volkhov River right on the trade route “From the Varangians to the Greeks”. There was a residence of Rurik the Prince who started the first Russian ruling dynasty.
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