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Main page / Museums and sightseeing in Veliky Novgorod / Church of Saviour's Transfiguration on Ilyina Street
Church of Saviour's Transfiguration on Ilyina St.
Ilyina St., Veliky Novgorod

+7 (816 2) 77 37 38
+7 921 730 93 92
+7 (816 2) 77 37 70


Working hours:
С 1 мая по 31 августа:
10:00 – 17:00
перерывы с 11:00 до 11:15 и с 14:00 до 14:15
С 1 марта по 30 апреля: 12:00 - 15:00
Выходной: Пн, Вт, последний Чт месяца

Бронирование экскурсионного обслуживания: +7 921 207 37 70

Закрыта при выпадении осадков

По предварительно оформленным заявкам в экскурсионном отделе при условии отсутствия осадков памятник открыт по режиму работы с 10 до 17 часов.

Open: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed: Mon., Tue., last Thu. of the month and in wet weather
Closed for the autumn-winter period from November 7.
Booking: +7 921 207 37 70

Entrance Fee:
150 р. – взрослый, 100 р. – учащиеся, дети до 16 лет — бесплатно

250 rub. (adults), 150 rub. (students)
children under 16 - free

58.51741500, 31.29558900

Audiogides in Russian, English, German and French!

Attention! On June, 14, 15 the object is closed.

The entrance is available with excursion.

Built in 1374 this church presents a fascinating variety of decorative fragments and captivating harmony of its proportions. It is a typical example of the architectural style of the Novgorodian Republic (12th – 15th centuries). The church is world famous for its wall-painting by Theophanes the Greek.

It is the only church in the world that has managed to preserve the frescoes by this Byzantine master who painted about 40 churches. These frescoes are unique in their style of painting and the portrayal of figures. A spirited manner of mural painting makes the interior of the church look magnificent.

Church of Saviour's Transfiguration on Ilyina Street (an episode from the program "From the Varangians to the Greeks")

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