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Main page / Souvenirs and gifts in Veliky Novgorod / Natural Oil and Porridge
Natural Oil and Porridge
Working hours:
09:30 - 18:00

5 Sennaya Sq., Veliky Novgorod, 173007

+7 960 201 24 44 (9:30 - 17:00)

58.52039600, 31.26971700
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Natural oils by Oil King Company are first cold pressed. Thanks to the unique manufacturing technology all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients are preserved and concentrated in the oils. Moreover, the production includes the many-stage quality control, which starts from the level of raw materials. The final product is free of GMOs.

In Red Izba Tourist Information center you can buy:

  • Mustard oil

Mustard oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties; it is an effective remedy for the treatment of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, outer wounds and burns.

  • Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil has a bitter taste, which is, by the way, an indicator of the product’s high quality This oil is considered the most easily assimilable one among the vast variety of vegetable oils. It normalizes metabolic processes, reduces cholesterol and blood viscosity, improves liver function and strengthens immunity.

  • Pumpkin-seed oil

Pumpkin has a variety of medicinal properties and produces a general strengthening effect on the human body. The flesh of this berry is recognized as the most valuable dietary product in medical and preventive and infant nutrition. Pumpkin seed oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties; it prevents cell aging, contains a complex of vitamins and is rich in iron. 

  • Holy thistle seed oil

Holy thistle seed oil has anti-allergic, antiulcer, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties; it is useful in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, liver, stomach and gallbladder diseases.

  • Sea-buckthorn seed oil

Due to its composition, cold-pressed sea-buckthorn oil has general strengthening, vessel-strengthening, wound-healing, epithelizing, regenerating, granulating, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial, analgesic, oncoprotective and radioprotective effects. Moreover, sea-buckthorn oil is an excellent multivitamin complex created by nature itself.

  • Camelina oil

Camelina oil activates cell renewal, makes vessels more elastic, normalizes blood pressure; it is a strong antioxidant and is used medicinally both for patients with cardiovascular pathology and healthy people.
  • Sesame oil
Sesame oil is rich in vitamins B, E, it is useful for the heart, soothes the nervous system, improves blood circulation, it is also useful in the treatment of cough and asthma.
  • Walnut oil

Healing properties of walnut oil:

- has a tonic effect, helps to slow down aging and rejuvenates the cells of the body.
- helps to strengthen the immune system and the body's resistance to carcinogens.
- has anti-inflammatory effect. For this reason, doctors recommend using this oil to heal burns, wounds and inflammatory skin diseases.
- helps to recuperate after surgery and various ailments, and also puts metabolism right.
- helps to improve brain activity, nourishes brain cells and promotes their elasticity, and improves vision.
- can prolong suntan. It contributes to skin health when ingested as well as applied externally on the epidermis.
  • Cedar nut oil

Cedar nut oil purifies human body; it is useful to maintain eye health and for children’s growth.

Vitamins B and D help to normalize the central nervous system work. This makes you sleep better, adds to stress resistance and brain function.

Cedar nut oil is distinguished by being rich in vitamin E, which contributes to slowing down the body’s aging process and its rejuvenation. Vitamin E also helps to reduce “bad” cholesterol in the body.

Regular use of the oil increases both mental and physical abilities. You can get rid of the chronic fatigue syndrome.

  •  Hemp oil
Hemp oil has high antitumor properties and not only slows down the development of malignant tumors, but can also destroy them. Fatty acids have a very positive impact on hair, skin and nails condition. The use of the oil helps to soothe inflammation of the epidermis and improves its regenerating properties; it helps to fight skin diseases, wounds and burns. Hemp oil also helps to rebuild sun damaged skin and muscles damaged by physical exercises.
  • Corn germ oil

The main advantage of the oil from corn germs is a high content of vitamin E, which preserves youth and beauty. Therefore, corn oil promotes the normal operation of the endocrine system, and also prevents the development of weakness. The oil is an excellent dietary product which strengthens the immune system. It stimulates metabolism and is easily absorbed by the body. It increases the resistance to infections, increases body endurance, purifies blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, contributes to recovery after illness and saves from migraine. The oil is suitable for frying.
  • Rosehip oil

 Rosehip oil is a valuable food supplement, which reputable nutritionists recommend to use in the daily ration. This dietary oil is especially useful for elderly people, athletes, and all those who do physically demanding job. The product is easily digested and has a balanced taste.
  • Nut oil

Considering the rich composition of nut oil, it is useful to include it in the ration to improve health with immunodeficiencyatherosclerosisthyroid function abnormalitychronic fatigue. Regular use of nut oil arouses body defenses, normalizes metabolic processes, increases working efficiency and stress resistance, improves brain function.
  • Flax meal
  • Holy thistle flour
  • Pumpkin flour
  • Wheat germ flour
  • Flaxseed porridge

Flaxseed porridge contributes to proper functioning of immune, circulatory and endocrine systems. It effectively assists in fighting overweight, increases testosterone levels of men, without causing harm to health.

  • Flaxseed porridge with cedar nut flour

Flaxseed porridge with cedar nut flour contains a high amount of phosphorus, iodine and magnesium. It has a beneficial effect on heart with rhythm disturbance and helps to eliminate dysbacteriosis.

  • Flaxseed porridge with holy thistle

Flaxseed porridge with holy thistle reduces varicose veins and dependence of diabetes patients on insulin injections. Also, it normalizes blood pressure.

Delicious and incredibly healthy natural oils and flour will be a great souvenir from Veliky Novgorod! We are waiting for you in Red Izba Tourist Information center every day from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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